ABS Student, Jordan Collins, Has Been Busy!

Aug. 22, 2023

ABS-SBB student, Jordan Collins, has been busy since he joined the program in Fall 2022.He's been highlighted in three (3) news articles and was awarded to be part of the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship iVenture internship! You can view the following information regarding the articles and his internship:

  1. https://news.asu.edu/20230331-solutions-meet-asu-alum-botanist-jordan-collins-okra-scholar-innovator-ambassador
    • About the Oil Jordan is bringing to the market. Also, there is a video highlight for this.
  2. https://civileats.com/2023/04/18/a-radical-seed-breeding-project-could-help-southern-farmers-adapt-to-climate-change/
    • Jordan is not directly mentioned in the article, but this is his ongoing work with Chris Smith. He is mentioned in the photo.
  3. https://www.kold.com/2022/11/15/shipping-container-green-machine-uas-biosphere-2-finds-new-ways-grow-food/
    • This is about the work Jordan is a part of at Biosphere 2.

The iVenture Internship is a fast track to selling your first product online. You'll learn the theory behind launching a successful online store. Then, you'll put it into practice by ideating, sourcing, branding, marketing and selling your own products through your own store.